Course curriculum

    1. Delivery on Demand for Web Automation

    2. Why Selenium? The Ultimate Tool for Web Automation

    3. Why Selenium: The Ultimate Tool for Web Automation Index

    4. Why Selenium: The Ultimate Tool for Web Automation - Show

    5. Implement Selenium for Effective Web Automation

    6. Assignment Selenium Github

    7. Do Testing with Selenium for Robust Testing

    8. Building a Selenium Framework for Efficient Automation

    9. Building a Selenium Framework for Efficient Automation - Show

    1. Building a Selenium Framework for Efficient Automation - Diagram

    2. Building a Selenium Framework for Efficient Automation - Grid

    3. Building a Selenium Framework for Efficient Automation - Selenium Grid

    4. Delivery On Demand

    5. Testing With Selenium

    6. Testing With Selenium - Hands On

    7. Testing With Selenium - Hands On Visual Studio

    8. Do POC with GPT for Advanced Automation

    9. Do POC with GPT for Advanced Automation Hands-On

    10. Assignment: GPT for Advanced Automation

    1. Object-Oriented Programming: Introduction and Fundamentals

    2. Object-Oriented Journey with GPT

    3. Unlock the Power of Object-Oriented Programming

    4. Why Object-Oriented Programming is Essential for Modern Development

    5. Difference Between Object-Oriented Automation and Programming

    6. Object-Oriented Implementations and Google Trends Analysis

    7. Object-Oriented Without Selenium IDE

    8. ObjectOriented Hello World: Your First Step to Mastery

    9. ObjectOriented Semblance Warning

    10. ObjectOriented with GPT

    11. Assignment : Object Oriented

    12. Errors in Object-Oriented Programming

    13. Programming Errors: Lacan's Insights

    14. Errors in Programming and Lacan's Concept of Semblance

    15. Programming Love Errors

    16. Hello World with Visual Studio 2022

    17. C# Data Types Explained

    18. Assignment : Setting Clear Goals for Your Program

    19. C# Functions: A Comprehensive Guide

    20. Formulate Your Ideas with Lacan's Triad

    21. Startup Methods in C#

    22. Binaries Under the Project: Understanding and Management

    23. Create Binaries: A Step-by-Step Guide for Your Project

    24. C# Loops: Setting Up with GPT

    25. Loops: Do While Session in C#

    26. NuGet Usage for Selenium Integration

    27. Assignment: Working with Selenium Libraries

    28. Class Definition and Usage in C#

    29. Classes Selenium for Automated Testing

    30. Run Selenium for Automated Web Testing

    31. Assignment: Create a Class in C#

    32. Using Selenium IDE for Automated Testing

    33. Selenium IDE: Start Recording for Automated Testing

    34. Selenium IDE Hands-On Session

    35. Selenium IDE Assignment

    36. Running Multiple Tests in Selenium

    37. Running Multiple Tests in Selenium: Hands-On Session

    38. Assignment: Running Multiple Tests in Selenium

    39. Inspecting the Document Object Model (DOM)

    40. Inspecting the DOM: Hands-On Session

    41. Assignment: Inspecting the DOM

    1. Handling False Positives in Automated Tests

    2. Assignment: Handling False Positives in Automated Tests

    3. Handling Bulk Errors with GPT: A Comprehensive Guide

    4. Assignment: Handling Bulk Errors

    5. Selenese Commands: A Comprehensive Guide

    6. Assignment: Working with Selenese Commands

    7. Exports in Selenium: A Comprehensive Guide

    8. Export Hands-On in Selenium

    9. Assignment: Exporting Data in Selenium

    10. Setup Selenium in Visual Studio: A Step-by-Step Guide

    11. Setup Selenium in Visual Studio: Hello World Example

    12. Hello World: Hands-On to Test the System with Selenium

    13. Basics with GPT in Coding

    14. Basics with GPT: Hands-On Coding Session

    15. Handle_Exceptions_GPT: Best Practices for Error Management

    16. Assignment: Handling Exceptions with GPT

    17. Test Explorer: Navigating and Utilizing for Effective Testing

    18. Write Tests with GPT: A Comprehensive Guide

    19. Logging with GPT: Best Practices and Implementation

    1. Using XPath with Selenium: A Comprehensive Guide

About this course

  • $19.00
  • 112 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

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